I remember having a journal when I was younger. I used to write in my journal everyday about how my day was, what made me happy or sad, which boy I had a crush on, just expressing my thoughts. I honestly never saw myself blogging up until a couple months ago. I wanted to start doing things for myself. I wanted to finally step out of my comfort zone and tell myself that I'm finally going to start this! I wanted to be more open in how I feel and express my thoughts in what I love to do. I love fashion and I also love talking about inner beauty. Inner beauty was always in area I struggled with as a little girl. I had a hard time expressing my emotions and be closed off to a certain degree. As in my previous post, I was never confident within myself to even talk about inner beauty to an audience. As I got older, surrounding myself with people who helped me through this process has helped me to understand that it's okay to express how you feel. It is a sense of relief when you let yourself be free. You also gain more confidence but most importantly peace within yourself. Blogging gives me a platform for me to voice my ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Whether my passion would be business, cooking, marketing, or photography, blogging gives me the opportunity to connect and network with likeminded individuals who share the same passion as me.
Another reason why I love to blog is to make a difference. I was always told I gave great advice when it came to life and how I see certain things. I never realized I had such an influence in so many peoples lives! That means the world to me. Just knowing that my thoughts can have an effect on a person's life. I want my blog to be that blog that can touch others and help people going through certain phases or circumstances such as depression, break-up, and etc. It's not always easy talking to someone on a personal level about these issues. I want my blog to be therapeutic to people and be a sense of relief. I want my audience to feel an emotional connection so that they will want to be hungry for more every Thursday nights post. I never imagined myself making a difference towards just a blog post. It's interesting to see how the creativity of the mind works. It's amazing to see your thoughts being influenced by another human's mind. My thoughts and feelings can control a persons mind to think differently or see things in another perspective.
Blogging also helps me be creative with my thoughts. After I write my post for the day, more than likely I have a topic for my next post all prepared. It is all about the creativity in the mind. I love that you can play around with your thoughts but also be creative about it. It's like painting your own imagination on a keyboard.
I say all this to say, love what you do. You have to start somewhere. I never would of thought to be writing on blog on a Thursday night at the age of 27 years old. Sometimes you just have to take that risk. You will only know if you take that step forward. I am happy that I am starting this journey. So far I have been getting nothing but great feedback. This only helps and pushes me to brainstorm more ideas. This is my "Why?".
"Success is liking yourself,
liking what you do,
and liking how you do it"
- Maya Angelou
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